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Path to Destruction

Path to Destruction

Path to Destruction – How the humans affect of nature

Progress in every country has been uncontrollable and conspicuous nowadays whether it belongs to the first world, second world or third world. Advancement, even just a little of it, is unconcealed in every state nation through the emergence of innumerable factories and power plants. They have played significant roles in the lives of man for they make the everyday activities of man more trouble and stress free. They have also dished out great opportunities especially to those who are hard up and unemployed because they can now strengthen, support and supply the necessities of their family financially.

Improvement in the industrial field has also opened up the senses of individuals toward the veracity of life. Why? Because before, industrial ecology was not that widely used that is why people could not improve themselves due to the limited resources but now, due to the presence of it, people now have can improve themselves through the myriad products out that are made from factories.

However, it is safe to say that there are impacts in every growth of these things that are related to industrial ecology.



Making use of factories has led to a depletion of some natural resources and abandoning the environment permanently annihilated. Just like deforestation which is the process of removing forest trees to be used in production. When all these trees are eliminated, the wildkife in the forest turns out to be uprooted.

  • The loss of trees will result to carbon emissions problem. In point of fact, forests can help emit oxygen and refresh the levels of healthy gases in the air whereas factories emit hateful, hazardous and toxic emission and eliminate the source of oxygen. The pollution that is brought by these factories doesn’t just deal with airborne emissions but including land and water. Global warming really is the main issue resulting from pollution and carbon emissions. The glaciers begin to melt and the oceans will basically rise due to the rising of temperature. Another danger brought by global warming is risking the life of animals that is why some of them have already been endangered and extinct.
  • Unquestionably, Industrial Ecology is the cause of positive change for industrial world at the expense of nature.
  • The most destructive greenhouse gas which is called Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil. Factory emissions actually add immensely to the release of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is also estimated that industry and factory run by electricity contribute 50% of greenhouse gases. Another toxic gas through using fuel is sulfur dioxide. It is a main ingredient of acid rain. It contributes massively to acid rain, its existence in the atmosphere helps cool the air to counteract the heating made by the carbon dioxide.
  • Ozone is another pollutant here. It is made up of 3 oxygen atoms which is one more atom than needed for breathable oxygen. The third atom can actually destroy lungs.
  • Even though ozone is beneficial to block the ultraviolet radion from run, it is still harmful to man’s health for the reason of its large quantities in the lower atmosphere. Air pollution from factories and vehicles creates ground ozone problems or known as smog that shows relevant health problems.
  • Factories specifically through the use of large industrial air conditioners also can release damaging gases that adds to the depletion of ozone in the upper atmosphere where it is needed.
  • Factories that produce gases that lower the quality of air and are obnoxious to people’s health.
  • Water pollution aside from animal waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) factories pollutes water sources straightly through the dumping of pollutants bodies of water.
  • Factory pollution is the principal reason of emissions, effluents and wastes which come out during manufacturing of goods and services.
  • All gaseous emission, effluents spillage and wastes of a factory are not covered in an environment friendly way that harms the nature.

Whatever factory a person is in, the manufacturing process of all of them must generate wastes in liquid and solid aside from emitting smoke if its process is mechanized and production is made in bulk.

However, there are now ways on how to control factory pollution.

  • A stack should be installed at the emitting part for the mitigation of smoke emissions.
  • Liquid coming out from the process of manufacturing should be treated in treatment plant before its disposal as civic waste water.
  • Solid waste of factory should be properly disposed out in a secure way by throwing it into its proper landfill location. For smaller emissions from chimney or up to the allowable limits, chimney is actually made in pursuant to scientific demand in case whatever emits from it during or after the manufacturing princess must be within its restricted point. In addition, the quality of equipment employed for manufacturing must be well-maintained and its regular test and maintenance should be done to get rid of too much emission from production.

 Path to Destruction


Oil Pollution befalls when oceans are damaged by oil on a regular interval from spills, run-offs, routine shipping, and dumping. Roughly 12% of spills enter the ocean. Spills cause a very serious problem for marine wildlife such as: birds, fishes and other sea creatures.

Apparently, oil cannot dissolve in water and this will suffocate the fishes and these fishes will be eaten by the birds that will soon be the cause of their death. There is a domino effect once oil pollution spills all over the water.


The perils that can be associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation. The radiation consists of subatomic particle traveling at or near the velocity of light about 186 000 mile per second. They can enter deep inside man’s body where they can wreck biological cells and can cause cancer.

Nuclear technology produces materials that are active in emitting radiation.

Path to Destruction


Chernobyl was a former cultural center and unfortunately now is a deserted city in Northern Ukraine Pripyat. Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is now named as a dead town it was because of a disaster that took place there. A power output surged during systems test. An emergency shutdown was about to make nonetheless, the power output spiked even more which led to an explosion. Further explosions and a fire released highly radioactive material into the atmosphere.

