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natural disasters

Namibia- Natural Disasters

Posted by on Oct 8, 2014 in Namibia | Comments Off on Namibia- Natural Disasters

Namibia- Natural Disasters/ Extreme weather   Ranked as the largest producer of diamonds in the world, the colonial German territory, Namibia, is one of the top travel destinations in Southern Africa because of its unique location featuring some of the most famous and oldest deserts on earth, the Namib and the Kalahari deserts. These vast swathes of deserts covering a larger part of the country makes it the least densely populated country in the world. With a population just under 2.2 million people, the country experiences its fair share of extreme weather and climatic conditions, resulting in severe natural disasters that cost lives and destroys the livelihoods of thousands of people annually. Floods and Droughts: Floods and droughts top the list on natural disasters that affect the country annually leading to the loss of lives and millions of dollars...

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